Festo - One-way flow control valves

Festo catalog for One-way flow control valves. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Pneumatic connection Description Price Category
559724 Push-in sleeve 6 mm VFOC-S-S6-Q6 $22.36 VFOC
206478 G1/4 GR -1/4 $27.79 GR
151163 GRLA-M5-RS-B $42.23 GRxA, GRxZ
3720 G1/2 GR -1/2 $231.10 GR
193157 GRLZ-1/8-QS-4-D $23.74 GRxA, GRxZ
534339 GRLA-1/4-QS-8-RS-D $29.92 GRxA, GRxZ
8068743 VFOE-LS-T-M5-Q4 $31.70 VFOE
8068726 VFOE-LE-T-G18-Q6 $12.29 VFOE
8068748 VFOE-LS-T-G18-Q6 $12.60 VFOE
8068751 VFOE-LS-T-R18-Q6 $12.22 VFOE
151195 GRLZ-1/4-B $44.22 GRxA, GRxZ
162966 GRLA-1/8-QS-8-RS-B $40.68 GRxA, GRxZ
8068737 VFOE-LE-T-R14-Q6 $15.17 VFOE
8068739 VFOE-LE-T-R14-Q10 $15.17 VFOE
193143 GRLA-1/8-QS-4-D $23.42 GRxA, GRxZ

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