Rexroth - Roller Rail Systems

Rexroth catalog for Roller Rail Systems. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Preload class Size Accuracy class Weight Description Price Category
R185363110 C3 65 SP 15,235 RWA-065-FLS-C3-S-2 $1,018.92 RSHP FLS standard steel
R185363210 C3 65 P 15,450 RWA-065-FLS-C3-P-2 $1,339.01 RSHP FLS standard steel
R185323910 C3 25 UP 1,100 RWA-025-FLS-C3-U-2 $599.69 FLS, standard, steel
R182122310 C2 25 H 600 RWA-025-SNH-C2-H-2 $342.54 SNH standard steel
R182122910 C2 25 UP 600 RWA-025-SNH-C2-U-2 $678.85 SNH standard steel
R182123116 C3 25 SP 600 RWA-025-SNH-C3-S-2 $319.99 SNH standard steel
R182123216 C3 25 P 600 RWA-025-SNH-C3-P-2 $295.52 SNH standard steel
R182123910 C3 25 UP 600 RWA-025-SNH-C3-U-2 $321.79 SNH standard steel
R18512212X C2 25 SP 730 RWD-025-FNS-C2-S-2 $595.40 RSHP FNS standard steel
R18512222X C2 25 P 730 RWD-025-FNS-C2-P-2 $330.01 RSHP FNS standard steel
R18512232X C2 25 H 800 RWD-025-FNS-C2-H-2 $415.58 RSHP FNS standard steel
R18512292X C2 25 UP 730 RWD-025-FNS-C2-U-2 $713.75 RSHP FNS standard steel
R18512312X C3 25 SP 730 RWD-025-FNS-C3-S-2 $345.60 RSHP FNS standard steel
R18512322X C3 25 P 720 RWD-025-FNS-C3-P-2 $415.22 RSHP FNS standard steel
R18512392X C3 25 UP 730 RWD-025-FNS-C3-U-2 $717.73 RSHP FNS standard steel

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