Rexroth - Roller Runner Blocks SNH

Rexroth catalog for Roller Runner Blocks SNH. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Preload class Size Accuracy class Description Price Category
R182121110 C1 25 SP RWA-025-SNH-C1-S-2 $269.57 SNH standard steel
R182121910 C1 25 UP RWA-025-SNH-C1-U-2 $322.73 SNH standard steel
R182131310 C1 35 H RWA-035-SNH-C1-H-2 $582.05 RSHP SNH standard Resist CR
R182131210 C1 35 P RWA-035-SNH-C1-P-2 $251.08 RSHP SNH standard Resist CR
R182131110 C1 35 SP RWA-035-SNH-C1-S-2 $273.38 RSHP SNH standard Resist CR
R182131910 C1 35 UP RWA-035-SNH-C1-U-2 $325.74 RSHP SNH standard Resist CR
R182132210 C2 35 P RWA-035-SNH-C2-P-2 $526.86 RSHP SNH standard Resist CR
R182132110 C2 35 SP RWA-035-SNH-C2-S-2 $344.54 RSHP SNH standard Resist CR
R182132910 C2 35 UP RWA-035-SNH-C2-U-2 $327.08 RSHP SNH standard Resist CR
R182133210 C3 35 P RWA-035-SNH-C3-P-2 $496.26 RSHP SNH standard Resist CR
R182133110 C3 35 SP RWA-035-SNH-C3-S-2 $571.84 RSHP SNH standard Resist CR
R182133910 C3 35 UP RWA-035-SNH-C3-U-2 $327.71 RSHP SNH standard Resist CR
R182141310 C1 45 H RWA-045-SNH-C1-H-2 $287.12 RSHP SNH standard Resist CR
R182141210 C1 45 P RWA-045-SNH-C1-P-2 $405.83 RSHP SNH standard Resist CR
R182141110 C1 45 SP RWA-045-SNH-C1-S-2 $343.85 RSHP SNH standard Resist CR

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