Festo - Electric cylinders and slide actuators

Festo catalog for Electric cylinders and slide actuators. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Weight Mounting Position Stroke Size Description Price Category
8022595 1,982 optional 300 50 ESBF-BS-50-300-10P $2,137.04 ESBF
5428861 555 optional 100 45 EPCC-BS-45-100-3P-A $643.12 EPCC
1347390 3,163 optional 200 63 ESBF-BS-63-200-5P $3,067.02 ESBF
5428805 132 optional 25 25 EPCC-BS-25-25-2P-A $652.99 EPCC
593457 ESBF-BS-80-250-32P-S1-R3-F1 $4,999.52 ESBF
1521551 ESBF-80/-100 $26.90 ESBF
8022586 1,079 optional 100 40 ESBF-LS-40-100-3P $1,199.20 ESBF
562778 1,380 optional 100 33 EGSK-33-100-10P $1,681.63 EGSK
5428838 225 optional 150 32 EPCC-BS-32-150-3P-A $613.04 EPCC
1470775 1,125 optional 200 25 EPCO-25-200-10P-ST-E $1,602 EPCO
1470777 1,125 optional 300 25 EPCO-25-300-10P-ST-E $1,809.20 EPCO
1476526 615 optional 150 16 EPCO-16-150-8P-ST-E $1,608.59 EPCO
5428816 132 optional 100 25 EPCC-BS-25-100-6P-A $667.66 EPCC
559337 2,550 optional 100 55 EGSL-BS-55-100-12.7P $2,389.86 EGSL
8022579 1,237 optional 300 40 ESBF-BS-40-300-10P $1,803.53 ESBF

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