Festo - DGO

Festo catalog for DGO. You can search by cross references and filter by the main technical specs.
Part Number Description Price Category
224178 DGO- 25-PPV-A $18.96 DGO
382257 DGO- 40-... $8.95 DGO
575663 DGO-25-670-PPV-A-B $1,359.71 DGO
382256 DGO- 32-... $7.87 DGO
382255 DGO- 25-... $20.74 DGO
578154 DGO-16-2180-PPV-A-B $1,171.24 DGO
252873 DGO-20-PPV-A B 21,27X27 $17.09 DGO
214663 DGO-12-P $9.10 DGO
15224 DGO-25- -PPV-A-B $933.79 DGO
252872 DGO- 32- PPV-A B $9.92 DGO
218613 DGO-25-PPV-A $21.47 DGO
218614 DGO-40-PPV-A $23.57 DGO
15226 DGO-40- -PPV-A-B $1,902.84 DGO
15224 DGO-25-125-PPV-A-B $1,353.43 DGO
15224 DGO-25-1800-PPV-A-B $1,493.88 DGO

Next-Generation distribution

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